Configuring Critique Signup
CompetitionSuite allows you to setup a Critique Signup for your events. Critique is a time where the competing group's directors, coaches, and/or staff are able to speak with the judge to ask questions and provide explanation for their decisions.
Groups can't sign up for critique until they are set to compete in a competition. Registering for an event does not give critique signup access.
Setting up Critique Signup
Once you have created your event, you can set up critique signup
- Click on Critique Signup for your event
- Click the Yes button to allow Critique Signup
- Provide the date and time that critique signup should close in Allow Signup Until
- Click Save Critique Signup Setup to save your changes
- To create critique time slots, click Create new Time Slot and a screen will pop up
- Provide a name for the Time Slot and the maximum number of groups that can sign up for the time slot in Maximum Groups
- Select the divisions that are allowed to sign up for the time slot by clicking on the division name
- Click Save