Uploading Performance Music
Note: Only Administrators of Color Guard groups have access to upload Performance Music
Some organizations may allow you to upload performance music via CompetitionSuite instead of bringing a CD or MP3 player to the sound technician at your event.
- Login to your CompetitionSuite account and click the group's name you'd like to manage from the main menu.
- Click the Performance Music menu option.
- Either drag and drop your performance music into the upload box, or click the upload box to open a file selection window.
The file will be uploaded to the system, but still requires approval.
- Click the play button (the play button is the black sideways triangle) to begin listening to the performance music.
Note: It's very important to verify the track that was uploaded is complete and accurate! CompetitionSuite requires you to listen to the entire file from start to finish before you can approve your uploaded performance music.
- When the file completes and after you've confirmed that it is correct, click the Approve button to save the performance music file as your current file. If the file is incorrect, or only a partial file, click Reject and restart the process with step 3.
- You can confirm that current performance music file by playing clicking the play button (the play button is the black sideways triangle) or download it via the Download button.
Removing Performance Music
If there is a problem with your current performance music, you can remove it by clicking Remove File.